March/April 2012 Banner contest

I’ve got a new contest for those who do not want to show their faces (which I respect because I wouldn’t want to show mine either). First of all, someone else is doing the same contest as I am ( so go check it out as well! Moving on, what are things you need to know about this contest?:

What do I need to do in this contest?

Pretty simple, just creat a banner for me! What is a banner, you ask? It’s the header on this blog! Here’s an example of one I have created:

The size MUST BE 978 x 288 pixels. You could copy-paste my banner and use a website/app to change how it looks.

What is the prize?

AS USUAL: PRIDE! But this one is different, the best banner will be used on this blog! I will, of course, make a post dedicated to the winner and will also be adding it to the contest page (winners will never be removed from the page!).

How many winners will there be?

One. No more, no less. But if there are more than one that I really love, I will post that banner as well but will not use it as  header for this blog.

When is the due date?

April 10th, 2012. You’ve got time.

Where/how do I enter?

Click here to enter.

Remember: Be creative and always have fun!

Note: if nobody enters this contest, I will change the due date or delete this contest and maybe start a new one. THE BANNER MUST BE 978 x 288 PIXELS.

If you have any questions please contact me! Also, if you don’t know or need help knowing how and where to make a banner, ask me. I will help you by telling you websites or apps but I will not make you a banner.
